Angel Intuitive Healing
Please Call to Schedule your Workshop 808.221.9986
This is the course that is all the FOUNDATIONAL Work for All Spiritual Energy Healings ! It is based on all my intensive training in intuitive work for Healing work. Susan will teach you Intensive work on keeping yourself safe ! And how to be intuitive and strengthen your connection to Creator. You will learn to use your Angels, higher self , and Creator to do readings and healings.
Learn powerful energies that raise your vibrations to heal disease and relieve stress. The workshops will help you manifest prosperity and abundance in your life.
Register early for a free gift.
Click here to register for course.
Click here to check out other certification.*Private workshops . Book at your convenience. 808-221-9986
Learn to do Readings and Healings. All These classes are designed to teach individuals how to hear their Angels, see their Angels, receive message from their Angels, and to learn how to do readings on yourself or others. In the workshops you will learn about Archangels and how you can work with them to heal anything in your life. You will also learn to heal your Chakras using Crystals and Gems. It will also teach you how to be intuitive and strengthen your connection to Creator.and how you can work to heal anything in your life.
In Angel Intuitive Healing you will learn:
Creator Connections
- Techniques on how to release blocks in your life.
- How to see clairvoyantly, to open your 3rd eye.
- How to get in touch with your Higher Self and Angels .
- Learn how to Heal .
Crystals and Chakra Healing
Each chakra has a different frequency of vibration, symbol, color, and sound that it is attuned to. Each chakra needs to be able to function at the correct frequency. Chakras need to be balanced, clear, energized, and properly spinning. Think of a scale of one to ten, with ten being the highest and best. Next, think of each chakra needing to be at the same number on that scale.
Once each individual chakra is at the same your entire physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual body raises into its own new vibrational level to match that of the chakras. The more chakra energy work you do the higher your whole body will be raised on this scale with ten being enlightenment while still in this physical human form.
You will learn:
- How unbalanced and blocked chakras can cause illness.
- How balanced chakras facilitate happiness & health.
- How to heal yourself and others.
- Vibrations of chakras.
- How to be intuitive.
- How to do chakra healing using crystals and gems.
Angel Medicine Healing
- How to do Angel healing on self
- Practical application of “light plus love equals healing.”
- Angel medicine to both the physical (light) and spiritual/emotional (love) aspects of ourselves, or whomever we’re intending to heal
- How to create a new reality as opposed to your current reality.
How to focus on the things you really want.
- How to feel rejuvenated and refreshed.
- Gain perspective on what you need to do to change your situation for good.
- Bring balance, harmony, health, and wealth.
- Methods that also bring healing to one’s material life, and can heal finances and even so-called inanimate objects.
Channeling Healing
When people think of Channelling they usually visualize people wearing long flowing gowns in a séance, at a round table holding hands with the people they are doing a reading for. Ordinary people who have everyday jobs and families can learn to connect and Channelling.
- We will cover individual blocks and concerns.
Click here to register for Angel Intuitive Course.
All classes & workshops held:Honolulu, HI.