Healing Retreat Hawaii
Just Call to Schedule your Retreat 808.221.9986

Healing Retreat
Private Retreats
Exclusively With Susan Gemini
The Goal of this retreat is to free yourself from burdens, traumas, stress, and find your True Self to Connect to your Highest Essence of Creator God.
Trip Descriptions for 2, 3, 4, or 6 Days
On this private retreat that you reserve for yourself or with a friend, or friends at any time, you will learn how to open your Mind, Body and Soul very quickly to Connect to your True Creator and change your life immediately. What would normally take 3 months, or maybe even a life time, is what you will experience and learn in these 3 or more days exclusively with Susan Gemini. You will learn everyday will be and Adventure to open yourself up to Unconditional Love inside yourself and outside with Universal Light Energies. You will also detox by eating Plants based and Raw foods . You will work exclusively with Susan Gemini to learn Healing in your daily Life. And you will learn Sacred eating, all in a miraculous day. You will be detoxing from drama, stress, dis-ease, electronics, and conflicts, to learn how to focus on your life dreams.
Email here to Reserve your trip now
Details for Day 1-3
• Healings
Morning Healing
Healing With Susan to connect with Mother Gaia and Nature Spirits and how to Heal with these beautiful spirit energies. Opening up Pineal Gland to Connect to Higher Self.
• Angel Medicine Healing in Sacred Energy by Susan Gemini
Archangels come one by one to do specific Healings such as Chakra Clearings, Etheric Cord Cutting, Vacuuming of old Energy, Reiki, also Healings, Physically, Spiritually, Mentally and Emotionally. An Angel Healing is deeply relaxing. Susan will channel messages also from your Angels.
• Sacred Reiki on the DNA
Reiki Hands on Healing is a universal life force energy. It helps removes dis-ease components held in the body, mind, emotions, and soul. During the healing treatment, Susan is able to channel the energy from her crown to her heart and out through her hands. This is electromagnetic energy.
Susan is able to communicate with the Divine, Susan channels information and guidance from your Angels, Spirit Guides, Creators Light.
• Sacred Meals
Susan will provide you with 3 sacred light meals a day. All Vegetarian, Raw Foods, and Vegan meals. This Eating in the Light will help with detoxing and bringing your health mentally, physically, spiritually, back to the best part of your spirit. You will learn sacred eating. (value priceless)
• Sacred Sun Releasement at Beach
Sacred Sun Releasement with Susan at one of the most beautiful Sun spots in Hawaii. Releases negative energies or anything that is negative and turns it into positive manifesting energy.
(Optional Stays)
• Lemuria Healing Day
Hawaii is a very healing place, it is also Lemuria, we will be tuning into the Power and Healing energies of Lumeria, God and Mother Earth and the beautiful healing energies, and Mana and receiving a DNA Shift.
• Spa Detox Day
Enhance rhythms of the body by preventing effects of harmful elements and toxins from lifestyles, electric currents in the air, bad odors, fungus, harmful pollutant and viruses. Its effects also include increased immunity, better regulated gland functions and purifys your body and cell revitalization. It alleviates pain inflammation caused by toxins and improves blood circulation.
• Dolphin Swim Day
The Dolphin swim and encounter is absolutely so healing. Dolphins hold one of the Highest Vibrations of Energy Healing here on Earth, and we can tap into it this day. Their energy is describe as the frequency of Pure Light, Joy, unconditional love , and abundance !. It will open your Heart automatically, so PROFOUND !
2 days : $1200
3 days : $1800
4 days : $2200
5 days : $2600
6 days : $3000
Email here to Reserve your trip now
Special rate for a group of two:
2 days : $1000/person
3 days : $1600/person
4 days : $2000/person (Lemuria Healing )
5 days : $2400 (With Dolphin Swim )
6 days : $2800 (With Spa)
Healing Mini Retreat
Ascension Healing Mini Retreat $900
Click here to register for Retreat.